Fulfilment in the 21st Century


A Spiritual Path for Fulfilment

In the 21st Century

FREE Lecture
Tuesday or Thursday, January 14th or 16th
(Choose One Evening)
7:00pm – 8:30pm

2730 Westlake Ave N
(The Diamond Marina Building)
Seattle, WA 98109

In these special one-night lectures, we introduce a practical and holistic approach to inner happiness and self-fulfilment through the pursuit of spiritual progress.

As with many endeavors, we can choose to “go it alone” or we can expedite our progress with the help of time-tested methods and guidance from a teacher like Sri Chinmoy who has already achieved the goal that we seek.

Topics to be discussed include:

  • Finding and revealing our soul’s purpose with the help of a spiritual master
  • The impact of a vegetarian diet, and the avoidance of drugs and alcohol
  • The age-old concept of brahmacharya (no boyfriends / girlfriends)
  • How a dynamic lifestyle including outdoor activities supports our meditation
  • The importance of weekly group meditations
  • A feeling of belonging to a global spiritual community

Free meditation classes will be offered over the following weeks.

We look forward to seeing you there!

If you would like more information, please call: